Dover/London, England

August 3, 2010


Our day started at 6:00 AM with Adele waking me up to see the white cliffs of Dover.  I immediately forgave her since the cliffs in the early morning light were spectacular.
Our plans for the day included an 8-hour bus tour to London.  I had never been there, and Adele hadn't been there since she was in grade school.  We don't know when or if we will be coming back this way, so this might be our only chance to see London.
The bus pulled away from the dock right on time and the guide immediately began pointing out sights such as the famous Dover Castle.  The trip got better as we went along.  The bus drove along winding roads through the county of Kent, and I was very surprised at the lovely rolling hills and quaint villages as we whizzed past.  I am not sure what I expected, but what we saw was very pretty.
As we got into London, the traffic was as bad as our guide had predicted.  To make it worse, it seemed to be the first time our driver had driven a tour bus in London and he clearly did not understand the best way to get around.  Fortunately, the guide knew what she was doing and (mostly) kept him on course.  Seeing a city like London from the interior of a bus is certainly not the best way to do it but, with the ship's schedule we had no choice.  We were able to at least get quick glimpses of the highlight sights such as the Tower, Buckingham Palace, etc. and make a short stop at Westminster Abbey.  The bus let us off for a one-hour lunch break at Covent Garden.  It took our inexperienced driver almost 30 minutes to find a place to let us off!  Once we got off, the guide pointed us in the right direction and told us where to find the bus.
Since we (Adele) had had the foresight to get sandwiches from the ship, we had already had our lunch and were free to roam around.  We did stop at a Starbucks for a mocha and toilet break, though.  Adele had a little English money, so she started browsing some souvenir shops while I wandered the area taking some pictures.  The hour was much too short and we hopped back on the bus (15 minutes late - the driver was confused again).  We were supposed to stop at St. Paul's, but we were running late so we passed by and headed back to the ship.
Even with the inadequacies of a bus tour, it was a most enjoyable day.  We even talked about flying back and spending a week or ten days and seeing London thoroughly.


Dover/London Photos